perm filename TASK.2[RDG,DBL] blob sn#641465 filedate 1982-02-13 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002		Never sent -- circa 20/XI/81
C00004 00003	∂02-Nov-81  1109	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	"Planners' WB" project   
C00007 00004	∂TO MARTINS@Rand-Ai 15:51 29-Nov
C00018 ENDMK
	Never sent -- circa 20/XI/81
Bill -
	I agree with you on -Alt -- it'll soon be gone.
There seems some disagreement about NAMES:  At one point I thought
it was something like the TOPIC or SUBJECT heading of the message 
-- basically a succinct phrase which captured the essense of the item.
Keith then told me there might be several of these summaries -- hence
the final S on nameS.  Examining the TO-RETRIEVAL files you've generated,
I noted that the NAMES attribute appeared to be a single phrase --
ala the first interpretation.  I'm willing to adopt that - et tu, Keith?
If agreed, we should probably use NAME.
It appeared that was what you did, Bill: several of the pointers I
saw apparently used the NAME attribute.  By the way, whatever you used
to generate these was probably inappropriate - as they were converted in
an EQ-PROP call, which is probably not what you meant.  You, Keith and
I should get together and figure what you should use.
(ie did you want any task whose NAME attributed includes ANY of those atoms,
or all of them, or ...)

No commas - Keith: can you strip them away?
∂02-Nov-81  1109	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	"Planners' WB" project   
To: wescourt at RAND-AI, norm at RAND-AI, barbara at RAND-AI, bill at RAND-AI,
    greiner at RAND-AI
cc: gary at RAND-AI, rdg at SU-AI, hiltrud at RAND-UNIX, hearn at RAND-AI

Ladies and Gentlemen -

Recent changes of staff will require replanning of this
planning project.  Accordingly, pending discussions with
sponsors and the subsequent grinding of the planning gears,
I am FREEZING ALL CHARGES TO RCN 5630.  I will re-open
this RCN shortly, after appropriate staff and tasking

Thank you!


∂02-Nov-81  1408	gary at RAND-UNIX 	"Planners' WB" Note Correction 
To: wescourt at RAND-UNIX, norm at RAND-UNIX, barbara at RAND-UNIX,
    bill at RAND-UNIX, greiner at RAND-AI
cc: rdg at SU-AI, hearn at RAND-AI, gary at RAND-UNIX

Ladies & Gentlemen -

The freeze announced in my previous memorandum applies, of
course, to BOTH RCNs applicable to this project.  Hence,
no charges will be allowed to either of the following
RCNs: 5630 and 3071 , until further notice.



∂24-Nov-81  0931	Keith Wescourt 	Vax account   
To: rdg at SAIL, greiner


You can login on the vax again now in the "guest" group
until things wrt Planner are resolved.


∂TO MARTINS@Rand-Ai 15:51 29-Nov
My status
Dr Martins,
	Now, as the dust is beginning to settle,
seems an appropriate time to inquire about my status wrt Rand.
I have served as a consultant to Rand for the last six months
(prior to those recent "personel changes",)
working mostly on the Planner's Workbench project.
By daytime I am a graduate student in computer science at Stanford,
just beginning serious thesis work.

	If you feel there is a need I could fill,
I would be quite interested in continuing my consultant role,
working on almost any of a variety of projects there.
In addition to the people associated with Planner,
I have also talked several times with many Rosie people --
including Dave McArthur and Henry Sowizral.
Perhaps they could suggest ways I might fit in; and/or serve as
nearby professional references.

	Due to thesis pressures I would prefer a minimal 
(but not zero) time commitment -- something like one day a month.
I feel the resultant flow of information and recent work 
between Stanford and Rand would be of mutual benefit.

	Thank you for your information and assistance,
Russ Greiner
[RDG @ Sail]

∂30-Nov-81  1617	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: My status  
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: gary at RAND-AI

Russ -

As you can well imagine, Dr. Hayes-Roth's sudden abandonment of his
project has caused us some problems.  The project is still in a 
kind of limbo, pending agreements with the sponsor about its
revival in a new form.  I won't bore you with the details; the
bottom line is that, if it continues, it will almost certainly
have a different slant, and different staff.  Frankly, I think we
can put together a much more productive and interesting project;
we are now working on the sponsors! 

Your reputation here is high, and I hope we can indeed continue
your involvement with us, in some form.  Certainly the day-a-month
formula you suggest should not be too onerous on our budgets.
I would like to talk with you directly about all this, if possible.
Do you come to L.A. regularly, should I catch you on my next trip
up there, or.... ?


[PS - Please forgive the late reply -- things have been hectic
and holiday-bound. I hope we can get together for a chat soon.]

∂TO GARY@RAND-AI 16:50 30-Nov
I will be in Orange County from 1-Jan thru 5-Jan; but things might be
pretty chaotic then (centering around a family wedding).
But perhaps we could meet sometime that Monday, the fourth.
What is your schedule for that time of the year?
And had you planned to venture north anytime soon?

Quick questions about addresses --
Do you prefer
	Dr. Martins or Gary;
	Gary@Rand-Ai or Gary@Rand-Unix?


∂02-Dec-81  1556	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: Schedule   
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: gary at RAND-AI

Monday the 4th of Jan sounds OK to me, as of now. I, too, will
have some family-related scheduling to contend with, but would
be happy to being planning toward a rendez-vous somewhere down
here at that time.  If that's no good, I will raise the priority
level of my next trip North (currently only an idea -- a long-
overdue one, in fact), or something!!

I prefer Gary, by machine, mail, and in person!  gary@rand-ai
is marginally more convenient for ARPANET traffic, but I suspect
that's only based on the flimsiest of prejudices etc.

See you soon -- somehow!


∂TO GARY@Rand-Ai 22:21 7-Dec
Best laid plans ...
I looks very unlikely I'll be able to make it up to Rand that Monday,
Jan 4th.  Other possibilities:  
i) would you like to rendezvous, on that day, in beautiful Costa Mesa?
ii) Palo Alto's lovely this time of year...
iii) Perhaps we could convey our messages over this lower-baud-rate electronic
	medium, for now at least.

Comments, suggestions, demands, ...

∂07-Dec-81  2301	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: Best laid plans ...  
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: gary at RAND-AI

A familiar problem.  Costa Mesa is not out of the question;
must check my visiting daughter's schedule, and will get back
to you.  Otherwise, I will try to find an opportunity to sneak
away to the North (have been postponing forever).  Else, this
 wretched medium for interim results, requests, ideas,....


∂TO GARY@Rand-Ai 17:26 14-Dec-81
My stats
Gary -
	Should we plan on meeting in Costa Mesa sometime Monday,
4-Jan?  (Ie that's still alright by me.)  Anyway, the address is

2805 Lorenzo Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
[Phone: (714) 751-0469]

Directions: leave 405 at the Fairview exit, heading towards Orange
Coast College.  The street right before the junior college is
(on your right) Adams, and El Camino on your left.  Go left, following
El Camino a few blocks.  Lorenzo Avenue T-intersects into El Camino
on your right. My house is the 2nd on the block, on your right hand side.
(It has a low, land-retaining "wall" in front, between its two

My mother's name is Claire, in case you need to use the phone book.


∂TO GARY@Rand-Ai 23:54 26-Dec-81
What's the buzz?
Gary -
	Shall I plan on seeing you this Monday week?
(This meeting isn't all that important; I just want to finalize my plans.)

∂28-Dec-81  1815	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: What's the buzz?     
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: gary at RAND-AI

Russ -

Sorry for all the uncertainty -- holiday time!  I cannot give
you a final answer until Wed this week; will send you a msg as
soon as I have confirmation/denial of another, prior duty.
Hope you're enjoying the Season!


∂TO GARY@Rand-Ai 10:26 1-Jan-82
Get together
Gary -
	Give me a call by Sunday morning if you want to meet on Monday.

∂04-Jan-82  1115	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: Get together    
To: RDG at SU-AI
cc: gary at RAND-AI

Russ -

Belated greetings for the Season.  

I am covered with shame for my part in not maintaining communications
with you.  Simultaneous breakdowns in home terminal and car put me
out of action, and out of touch with info (t.q., your phone etc.).
Very sorry.

Will you be coming back this way in the forseeable future, or should
we plan a meeting in the frozen North ?


∂TO GARY@Rand-Ai 11:23 9-Jan-82
The best laid plans of (pseudo) Mycin men
Too bad our paths never crossed.  I recently returned to 
pleasant, picturesque, phun Palo Alto.
While I suppose I could truddle down there sometime in the future,
I currently have no such plans.

Perhaps you could visit here after our current monsoon season ends...


∂11-Jan-82  1133	Gary R. Martins <gary at RAND-AI> 	Re: The best laid plans of (pseudo) Mycin men     

Amen.  Hope you're surviving the deluges and slides.  Sorry
again for the blown plans earlier.  Let's both stay alert
for the next opportunity.  I have lots of reasons to visit
up there, but probably won't do so until the climate
improves a bit, at least!
